Prince William County's Premier Dive Center
Live the Adventure!
Maintenance and Repairs
Diving equipment is life support equipment.
For the most part, diving equipment is mechanical. As with any mechanical device, it requires periodic maintenance and calibration to ensure it's safe and reliable use.
Regulator Maintenance - As of July 1, 2018, there is a 4 week minimum for regulator service.
Regular BC and regulator maintenance is essential to their safe performance, reliability and longevity. Maintenance must be performed at least annually, and more often with high use or when performance begins to degrade. Contact Woodbridge Scuba at 703-878-4365 to schedule your next equipment maintenance appointment.
Professional requirements for BC and regulator maintenance:
- Less than 20 open water dives per year requires annual inspection and maintenance on all Regulator and BC components.
- This service is required to maintain manufacturer specified performance and equipment warranties.
- 20 or more open water dives per year requires bi-annual (6 month) inspection and maintenance on all Regulator and BC components.
Cylinder Maintenance Schedule
Cylinder maintenance is regulated by The US Department of Transportation. The DOT requires that maintenance be performed on the following schedule to abide by all state and federal laws.
Cylinders that do not have current inspections can not be refilled. The required inspections are:
- Cylinder Visual Inspection (VIP/TIP): Every ONE (1) year.
- Hydrostatic Cylinder Testing (Hydro): Every FIVE (5) years or when subject to a high impact accident or high heat.